Seo Campaign

Search Engine optimization or more commonly known as SEO is a method used all over the world to get natural or organic traffic to websites. As it is globally demanded service, diversity is essential. SEO technicians and experts around the world use a variety of SEO methods including black hat and white hat tactics in order to increase the number of visitors to their websites. But the question is what are the best techniques to use? In order to understand that, one must know the basics of Search Engine Optimization.

Whenever a user searches for something over the internet, they use different search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo to find the information they want from web. These sophisticated search engines then show results related to the keywords typed in by the user. The whole purpose of SEO is to get a website to appear at the top of the search engine results and to achieve that goal for your website you either have to be a smart optimizer yourself or you can hire the experts in Search Engine Optimization Services. is a trustworthy company that can provide you with the best SEO services available. No matter what your website is about, our team of expert analysts and SEO consultants can come up with imperative and inventive strategies that will help you improve your search engine rankings. Every member of our SEO company is up to date with the current policies of the major search engines and watches the ever adapting internet market; therefore we can almost guarantee that no harm or penalty shall be caused to your website. We only offer the legal and acceptable white hat SEO services. At your success is our top priority.

Web Design

We have a great team of Web Designers and UI Developers who work very hard and give their absolute best to provide our clients with the best web solution possible. Our team of Designers and UI Developers are very proficient and creative. Every time we work on a new design our aim is to give it a new, unique and a fresh look/feel bearing in mind the requirements and wishes of the client. A lot of planning and thought process goes into our designs to make sure that the end result is perfection. We approach each new design as a new challenge for us. We pride ourselves on talking on challenging projects that most people in the industry would think twice about before taking them on.

UI Development Team:

Our team of UI developers is very proficient in working with high end designs. Our team is very capable and has developed a variety of different kinds of designs for a lot of different clients. Our team of UI developers is very talented in developing responsive designs, liquid designs, table-less designs and animation based designs. All of our code is W3C validated and we perform a very thorough cross browser testing to make sure that the design works on all the major browsers. We make sure that the design is cross-browser compatible. Our team of UI Developers are also very proficient in building mobile application’s designs in HTML 5 and other HTML 5 based designs in general. Our team has also successfully built animations for various clients. The UI Developers here at eGenie Next are also well versed with the latest JavaScript based technologies such as jQuery and JQuery mobile. We have successfully integrated themes in WordPress, Open Cart and Cube Cart. We have also worked with pyro CMS. We pride ourselves with building and creating the smartest and best structures for web building sites. So if you want a website design development, pick up the phone and get a quick quote from us for free.

UI Designers Team:

Our team of Web Designers are the best in the business. Very professional and very hardworking, they create the best Web Designs in the industry. With the help of latest technologies, they bring the client’s vision to reality. You bring us your idea and we will bring it to life. Our designers are very talented and a lot of thought process goes into our designs even before we start making them. The standard of our designs are right up there with the best in the industry. This claim is validated by the fact that our designers are working hand in hand with the best web designers from around the world. So give us a call and get a quick quote from us for free.

Mobile Development

The IT industry is very rapidly making a shift towards mobile applications development and we here at eGenie Next are excelling in the field of mobile applications development. Be it PDAs or digital assistants or any other hand held devices, our mobile developers provide all kinds of services. The technologies that are used in the development of mobile applications include iOS, Blackberry, Windows, QT Framework, Android, Symbian and JAVA ME (J2ME).

We have many experienced mobile developers who have a lot of experience in developing mobile application on all the major mobile platforms such as iOS, Blackberry, Windows and Android. We build applications that are easily to use and user friendly.

Single Platform (Native) Vs. Cross Platform

A mobile application can be developed in two different ways. One way to develop an application is to develop it for a single platform. This is done using the programming languages and native SDKs that are provided by RIM, Microsoft, Google and Apple for their respective platforms. Applications that are developed for native platforms using their SDKs perform very nicely. It makes for a great user experience and a tight integration with the device’s hardware. The cost in developing a mobile application this way for different platforms is significantly high because same source code cannot be used for different platforms since their programming languages are different.

The other way to develop an application is by using various different Cross Platform technologies that use HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript, which helps to reduce development costs. The code for the application is written only once but it can be run on multiple different platforms which in result saves a lot of cost. Some of the cross platform technologies that are used convert the code into native code first and then run it, others just run the code directly from the web. However this isn’t the best solution out there since there are a lot of limitations that are posed by the cross platform technologies.

Web Development

Our team of web developers is the best in the business. Highly professional and very hard working, our team is ready to take on any challenge presented to them. We have a lot of experienced web developers who have worked very hard to build a reputation for themselves as the best developers in the industry. When looking for a team of web developers, one should look for a team that adds value to your business with their experience as well as their qualification. We here at eGenie Next have both the qualification and the experience to built your web application.

Our team of web developers is not only very professional, but also very easily accessible for communication with the clients. All of our web developers are very friendly and ready to talk to the customers at any given time for their help and technical support. We are very eager to be in constant contact with the client to keep them updated about the status of the projects and any other relevant information.

You will see the professionalism in our work if you hire us. We not only build robust web applications but we also place a lot of emphasis on the quality assurance. Quality assurance these days has become a very vital part of a professional’s etiquette. We also give very clear deadline dates and we always meet our deadlines. The turnaround time of our team of professional web developers is very reasonable and the quality of our applications is second to none.

You can give us a call anytime to know what kinds of services and technical support that we provide after the completion of the project. Just to give you a rough idea, we provide help with trouble shooting and bug fixing support as well as provide services for maintaining your product and installing new modules.

Extreme Programming

Extreme programming or XP is a type of agile software development that is designed to improve the quality of software and enhance its responsiveness to various platforms according to evolving customer requirements. This method of creating software is fast, reliable and highly flexible which allows regular check points to be set up. These check points can later serve as markers from which you can make changes if required. This element saves massive time, as the programmer does not need to change every code and everything entirely. Our company has adapted to this methodology and we have increased our output tenfold in recent years.

By using this method our staff can focus on building flexible software that can facilitate any change you want to make later. In today’s dynamic internet market, business opportunities and requirements can change at any time. Traditional methods of designing a program do not have the capability to allow run time changes. Only through extreme programming and a dedicated and able team, you can have a software that is able to provide everything your business needs.

This method is ideal in reducing costs as well as all unproductive activities. With lesser responsibilities and frustration, every member of the team can focus entirely on producing quality software. Instead of relying on a single individual critical to the project, extreme programming allows to break down the project responsibilities making every member of the team vital to the success of the project. That greatly reduces dependency on a single person and encourages a collaborative effort through which the product gets finished even on a tight schedule.

We believe that by hiring our services, we can make a believer out of you.

Agile Software Development Method

At, we accelerate our productivity by using the most advanced and state of the art techniques to date. Our teams are capable of working according with the Agile software development method. This term represents a group of software development methods in which we create code and programs rapidly in suitable time intervals. Fulfilling requirements and providing solutions in such a collaborated way that they keep evolving according to the situation without creating the code from scratch.

The use of this method enables us to enhance our ability to provide a useful and custom software that is fully functional and can be altered according to the user requirements. Constant communication and interaction with the client is part of our policy that allows us towelcome and accommodate any changes to the software at any time. This will reduce the project cost and thus result in user satisfaction. We use a combination of both new and old practices of software development to create a product. By including all the advantages and discarding all the disadvantages, our company can and has created products that are long lasting and serving their original purpose efficiently.

Using the Agile development technique, gives us the freedom to experiment with new procedures and invent methods of our own that can revolutionize the internet industry. Our dedicated professionals prefer team effort to individual endeavors to accomplish the task. Through proper planning and careful execution of every project, our company hasachieved many milestones. We are entirely motivated and prepared to go beyond the traditional boundaries and set standards for others to follow. With that enthusiasm, we ask you to contact us and let us pave the way to success for you.