Laravel Development

Laravel is a great PHP framework that has picked up steam over the past few years. If you’ve lacked functionality with other frameworks as Codelgniter, Symfony, Slim Framework and others, it’s time you shifted gears!
First up, you will learn a bit more about Laravel, and then, why Laravel a good choice for your PHP-based web applications.
This article is not a tutorial or a guide but is an effort of web application development team at eGenieNext to give you a feel for why Laravel is praised over Codelgniter. If you find yourself needing extra help or consultancy regarding Laravel at any stage, consider contacting our PHP developers.
What is Laravel: Introduction
Laravel is a classy framework for PHP web development that is described as “A Framework for Web Artisans”. According to Taylor Otwell, the author of Laravel, it strives on bringing back the joy to programming, by making it simple, elegant, and well documented.
“Freeing you from spaghetti code, it helps you create wonderful applications, using simple, expressive syntax. Development should be a creative experience that you enjoy, not something that is painful. Enjoy the fresh air!”
What Makes Laravel different?
Laravel boasts multitude of functions which are different from the other frameworks. Some salient features why you should choose Laravel includes:
• Quick and functional core that is extendable
• Simple and clean routing and configuration
• Effective database layer and ORM
• Very easy integration with third party libraries (AWS, export libs etc.)
• Supports unit tests and localization out of the box
• Catches and handles most errors
Why it’s different:
Bundles – Bundles are to Laravel as PEAR is to PHP. These are add-on packages that can be downloaded and added to plug-ins. Artisan is the command-line tool that makes installing bundles easy.
Eloquent ORM – This ORM implementation makes any work on database record easy and simple. It allows adding more functions flexibly while it abstracts most of them. It helps you define model relationships for retrieving records.
Migrations – Laravel migrations are a great utility and are built into the framework; they can be executed through Artisan command line and can quickly be written by anyone.
Unit Testing – Laravel has the status for having one of the best PHP unit testing frameworks.
Redis – Redis is a key-value database for storing non-relational data. It’s easy to get it up and running.

Keywords: PHP web development, why Laravel a good choice for your PHP-based web applications

Grow With Us

Since its beginning, the IT industry is evolving every second. Every field in this industry is witnessing a growth that seems to have no end to it. This makes it is hard to find quality services at one place.

Finding experts capable of developing excellent websites, programming popular and user friendly applications, designing the best and unique web designs along with a dedicated team that can back up the hard work of experts and that uses groundbreaking marketing strategies seems too much to ask.

If you are looking for a place, where you can find all these qualities, then your search is over. is the company that can add to your business growth ten folds. Our company has grown rapidly and set an aggressive pace that others find tough to follow. Being aware of the market behavior gives us a competitive edge over other companies. In light of fresh statistics, our internet consultancy services can guide your business through challenges. Our services are not based on traditional methodologies thus; we are able to serve you with the most innovative solutions.

Today, the internet is the fastest way to reach target audiences. Business owners and marketers are coming up with new ways to improve their business development. They make heavy yet precious investments to reap rewards. We value your business, but we value your trust in us even more. Therefore, at, we do our best to serve you, to earn your trust and to deliver quality that is unrivaled.

Who we are?

We are one of the fastest growing IT companies in the Canada. This is because we believe in our ability and we believe that nothing is impossible if you have the determination, dedication and right kind of motivation.

We here at eGenieNext make sure that all your e-wishes come true. eGenieNext provides high quality and affordable Website Design, Development and Internet Marketing Services, which have always been our core focus. We always look for dynamic and creative ways to build new applications and are very excited to work on the latest technologies in the industry.

Established in 2005, eGenieNext is an ever growing web solutions provider company. We have a very talented team of web designers, developers and domain experts serving clients around the world. Our customer portfolio includes companies from multiple business sectors and of all sizes ranging from small to large enterprises. Our real strength is our customer service. We are committed to providing ultimate satisfaction to all our customers. Our team of customer service representatives is dedicated to provide you one-to-one service, assist you and answer all the questions you may have at any time.

Our mission is to provide affordable, premium quality services that meet the needs of our customers and that exceed their expectations.

Infographics Designing

Infographics are new data visualization technique that are based on popular topics with dull and boring data and represents it in a funny and interesting way. This technique is becoming more and more popular with each passing day because it’s a cool way to represent your views and thoughts to the public who may or may not possess the technical knowledge and know how about a certain topic. In these infographics, we have shown what refined research, informational elements and professional web designing can do.

An infographic has two vital aspects, first and foremost is design and second is content. Our web designing company pays close attention to both these aspects to ensure that the message has been conveyed accurately. Infographics make anything 67% more interesting to the masses and they make your business 82% more cooler and good looking among the public and anything you present via an infographic will make it seem 53% more desirable and dynamic. These stats are more than enough to justify the need of hiring an infographic design services so you can represent your business in an attractive and interesting way.

Infographics made by our company are great for your website’s traffic, representing your financial reports and stats (which otherwise would seem too boring), improve your search engine rankings by making your page or website the most visited web in your niche and they are going to make you look hip in the ever changing and colorful world of social media. The reason why we are so confident is that we have a team of professional web designers that pays attention to the smallest details of the infographic they work on to produce what we call a colorful transition.

Server Optimization

Servers are the data centers that hold key information and are the backbone of any business structure. All valuable information, financial records and other vital information is stored on them and travels through these data hubs. Therefore, it is very important to keep these machines in a tiptop condition and if you are looking for professional server optimization services that can increase the efficiency and reduce costs then is the company that can do that for you. The life cycle of a server is depreciated due to energy usage, sub standard maintenance and low quality or no optimization at all.

Furthermore, optimization becomes more and trickier when you add more servers in your IT infrastructure. Your data system becomes more complicated and so new threats emerge that can bring your company to a halting stop. Only a well-planned and well-executed server optimization can save your server and ultimately your business. Your business and its needs are growing with each passing day and your hardware must be able to adapt, change and consolidate accordingly. Our server optimization services can do that for you and help you steer your business on the road to success. Our server optimization will enhance the security of your server and implement advance security measures that are both beneficial and increase the stability of your business.

A server that is not optimized correctly will consume a lot of power than usual that can spike up the costs otherwise meant for other more productive uses. Server optimizers at are an efficient and experienced group of individuals that analyze your server problems and make them impervious to any issues in the future. Our server optimization company will help your website reach better levels of efficiency, so wait no further and give us a call because we have the right server solution for you.

Malware Removal

There is a famous saying, “To conquer an enemy, you must know him first” and malware is an enemy that has laid waste to millions of computers and servers in the world. It is a software designed by its creator to disrupt the normal functions of a computer or a server and gather sensitive and vital information or even gain access to your server. Therefore, in order to defeat this sturdy foe, careful analysis and astute precision is required. Our company does exactly that and has built a reputation of providing the most satisfactory malware removal services in the business.

Currently known malware threats are ransomware, Trojan horses, worms, viruses, dialers, rootkits, keyloggers and adwares. However, as the internet industry is growing, so is the technology that is used to create these security nightmares. These threats function differently from each other and execute different tasks. Each malicious software is unique therefore; the same method of removal cannot be applied. They can steal your valuable information, leave and create back doors for hackers or spike up the CPU processor usage causing downtime of a server that can be extremely harmful for the business.

Such variety of these tenacious pieces of codes can leave you clueless and you can’t figure out how to remove and protect your server system against them. If you give this task to our professional malware removal team, they can do the job for you. After spending years in this field, they know every virus threat and every possible solution. Our exterminators can remove any virus that found its way to your server and make sure that it never happens again. Experts at know the workings of all virus threats existing the internet market today so you don’t need to worry about the security of your precious data. Call us and we will shield your business against all malicious threats.

Windows Server Setup

Microsoft continued the tradition of providing one of the finest server platforms to the internet market with Windows being the number one operating system in the world. Our Windows server setup is guaranteed to provide you with an optimum level performance for your business setup. We provide full support for MS Access, ASP.Net and SQL server that will add value to your business immensely. We understand that the Windows Server operating system is specifically designed to help in networking and collaborative structures and our company has taken advantage of this capability. We can setup systems that are powerful enough to run Microsoft Dynamics, Share Point and CRM exchange. We can offer support for other Microsoft technologies to make your IT management structure more productive and efficient.

Our clients have found our Windows dedicated server packages most affordable and efficient as well as offering quality and the best value for your money. Over the years, we have provided support and installation services for database systems and enhanced security features on windows web server. We have finely tweaked a Windows 2003 Dedicated server and a Windows 2008 Dedicated server and included next generation features such as FastCGI, ASP.Net and advanced error reporting that are capable of providing unrivaled efficiency for your business.

We offer much more to our demanding customers. If you acquire our professional Windows server setup services, you can sit back and relax because we do the tedious yet delicate task of setting up your server,as you want. Our experienced team is a capable group of professionals that uses all its experience, mastery over tools and resources to cater your business needs and enable it to thrive in the fierce competitive internet market.We welcome you to contact us and let our company play its role in the growth of your business.

Mail Server Setup

Any business that has a mail server setup of its own has an immense advantage over those who don’t have a mail server in their possession. However, just having a mail server doesn’t solve anything. It should be setup with extreme care and subtlety. Only then, can a mail server be beneficial to a business.Our company knows how to install a fully functional and effective email server setup so it can become a valuable asset to your business.Our mail server setup gives you complete control over your email traffic so you can easily devise your privacy policies accordingly. Not only that, you can scan and check any incoming email for any malicious or spam material without engaging in tedious work.

A mail server is a hub of outgoing and incoming information and this information needs protection against any internal and external threat. If you acquire our mail server setup services, you don’t need to worry about any breaches. Our security features can make your mail server more secure and reliable. You can make multiple user ids without having to worry about technicalities. We offer automated features in our mail server setup package so you can make changes instantly. You can create specific groups and monitor email traffic separately or send mass emails with the hint of a single click.

With our smart system installed in your mail server, you can easily assign specific tasks to certain email addresses. This facility can save hours of time and effort for employees and enhance their productivity. You can easily add featured email addresses to a trigger group that can operate machines through email addresses. Our company continually evolving and so are the features we offer. So pick up your phone, give us a call and let us amaze you with our superior skills.