Facebook Application Development

Facebook is undoubtedly the most dominant social media portal in the world. With a community consisting of billions of people around the world, Facebook has given new meaning to the words social media. These users represent all age groups and such huge variety of people demands high-quality services. People literally spend hours on Facebook chatting and enjoying various interactive applications. Knowing this, our company has become a vital part of the Facebook application development industry.

Our Facebook application developers design applications to accommodate all kinds of users. They accomplish this based on their extensive knowledge of the various technological platforms such as Flash Action Script, PHP, Java, Dot net and JQuery. Over the years, we have produced a number of complex and sophisticated enterprise systems that have taken their respective businesses to new heights. Our Facebook application development company tailors the application to the needs of every client, with careful attention to the details. We help you to spread the word about your business in your targeted community through our exceptional development skills.

Our esteemed clients speak highly of our developers. Our applications provide the launching pad for their success. Our ability to improve our skills and our resilient attitude enable us to turn your e-dreams into reality. We have manufactured a spectrum of multi-purpose programs with multiple platform support applications that have done a commendable job. We take Facebook app development very seriously and continuously survey market needs to come up with the best interactive Facebook application for you.

You can create a long-range echo with the help of our user-generated contest apps or you can get our analytically developed trivia app to gather information about your business. At eGenieNext.com, magic happens only for you.

Windows 8 Application Development

Since its worldwide release, Windows 8 has received an excellent response and is now widely accepted around the world. Among other elements that contributed to the huge success of Windows 8, its colorful, user-friendly and easy-to-use apps played the most important role. These are the same key features that our company provides in its apps. Our captivating and user-friendly apps have inspired many people. Their positive feedback about our quality Windows 8 apps has been fueling our passion to raise our standards.

We work hard every day to introduce new techniques and invent new features that can perform according to your business needs. Through our Windows 8 application development, we design apps to last longer and perform better under every possible situation. Our developers have core knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, CSS3 and XAML that is absolutely vital to create a successful Windows 8 app. Skilled Windows 8 app developers at eGenieNext.com can create amazing apps with stunning templates and possessing flawless working capability according to your requirements. Our programmers have worked extensively on advanced programming modules repeatedly, adding extensively to their knowledge regarding the creation of perfect Windows 8 applications.

Applications created by our Windows 8 application development company provide complete hardware support so you do not have to worry about compatibility issues. We give special attention to the security of your application and try our best to make it impervious to malware and other threats. These are good reasons to acquire our Windows 8 application development services and we can give many others that would help you to make up your mind. We can provide you with the best application at the most affordable prices. If you have further queries, please contact us so we can start transforming your e-wishes into reality.

Android Application Development

Arguably one of the most popular open source platforms that has grown into a giant money making industry. Yes, we are talking about Android. In the recent past, a large number of Android developers have surfaced to produce sophisticated applications that have made addicts of their users. eGenieNext.com has hand-picked the best and most skilled developers and made the finest team of professionals in the Android development business. With expert use of application development tools and the right amount of freedom, our team has produced, a number of vibrant applications that have helped us achieve the mark of the best android app development company.

We tout ourselves as the best android app development company because we have the best team and we have produced the best quality work in the industry. With comprehensive knowledge of the Java programming language and exposure to all the relevant programming tools, our team has produced a large number of applications that have made the use of Smart phones more fun and convenient. According to research carried out in June 2011, 67 percent of the mobile developers used the Android platform. This number is growing as we write. In such a stiff competitive environment, manufacturing quality work is not a piece of cake. Yet our long list of satisfied customers over the years has been a positive statistic in itself.

Our company can very well provide you low cost android development services for any platform such as Mac OS X, Windows or Linux. Whether you are looking for a complete communication software or just looking for the best social media app to get things started, our developers have the right code for you. We want to make your business reach new heights and generate more revenue. If you share the enthusiasm, do not hesitate to contact us.

iPad Application Development

Having all the abilities and none of the disadvantages of personal computers, tablets are going to replace them very quickly. They are fast, portable and fun to use. iPad is an example of the tablets. The Apple incorporated’s fine product is widely available and immensely popular among all sorts of people around the world. The reason for its huge success is the availability of thousands of applications, which allow their users to have fun and make their work easier. Our professional iPad development company delivers exactly the kind of apps that iPad users are seeking.

Our team of qualified iPad app developers has made its mark by providing high quality services that brought many businesses up to speed in very short time. Our carefully designed apps meet the moods and needs of the users. At eGenieNext.com, we encourage our developers to innovate and explore so they can achieve even higher levels of creativity. Their inspiration is purely customer satisfaction so you can be sure that by hiring our iPad application development services you are getting the best deal for your business.

This demanding device requires professional iPad developers who have broad experience in the SDK, APIs and frameworks to come up with unique and escalated quality applications that iPad is famous for. We are proud to say that we possess a skillful team that is dynamic in its approach and fully capable of accomplishing this task. It has the right market knowledge and knows the pulse of the masses. This knowledge has allowed them to devise groundbreaking and popular apps that are regarded highly by users.

Our company knows all the capabilities of iPad. It is being used in the fields of education, medical science, gaming and many more. No matter what app you want to create, eGenieNext can make it for you.

iPhone Application Development

iPhone is one of the leading and dominant names of the Smartphone industry.With over 300,000 applications available for the iPhone, it hosts one of the largest application libraries in the world that is growing as we speak.For business purposes, it is very imperative to have a capable
iPhone application developer that knows how to develop an app that is exactly right in the eyes of demanding iPhone community. At eGenieNext.com we have a whole team that is capable of doing exactly that.

Our iPhone development will keep the name of your business in the minds of your customers for a long time. With a large number of users around the world, iPhone apps can get spread rapidily around the globe. Our iPhone application developers make apps that are not only easier to use but also are enjoyable without sacrificing the needs of your business. By combining all these ingredients, you get higher sales and widespread popularity. We know that in order to survive on the internet market for a long time it is essential to make new customers. This seemingly tough challenge will seem quite easy if you hire our iPhone application developers. Applications that are developed by eGenieNext.com can present your business in a thorough yet simple manner that can make your brand name well known around the world.

Experienced iPhone developers at eGenienext.com can provide you with the best developers and can give you valuable suggestions about the details of your application according to your specific requirements. By providing an app that can please your users and explain what your business actually is; your business revenue can grow quickly. We understand that, engraving the name of your business on the internet market is your wish, an e-wish that our company can happily fulfill for you.

Mobile Development

The IT industry is very rapidly making a shift towards mobile applications development and we here at eGenie Next are excelling in the field of mobile applications development. Be it PDAs or digital assistants or any other hand held devices, our mobile developers provide all kinds of services. The technologies that are used in the development of mobile applications include iOS, Blackberry, Windows, QT Framework, Android, Symbian and JAVA ME (J2ME).

We have many experienced mobile developers who have a lot of experience in developing mobile application on all the major mobile platforms such as iOS, Blackberry, Windows and Android. We build applications that are easily to use and user friendly.

Single Platform (Native) Vs. Cross Platform

A mobile application can be developed in two different ways. One way to develop an application is to develop it for a single platform. This is done using the programming languages and native SDKs that are provided by RIM, Microsoft, Google and Apple for their respective platforms. Applications that are developed for native platforms using their SDKs perform very nicely. It makes for a great user experience and a tight integration with the device’s hardware. The cost in developing a mobile application this way for different platforms is significantly high because same source code cannot be used for different platforms since their programming languages are different.

The other way to develop an application is by using various different Cross Platform technologies that use HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript, which helps to reduce development costs. The code for the application is written only once but it can be run on multiple different platforms which in result saves a lot of cost. Some of the cross platform technologies that are used convert the code into native code first and then run it, others just run the code directly from the web. However this isn’t the best solution out there since there are a lot of limitations that are posed by the cross platform technologies.